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WHITE HEAT: 4 Xing Ru 5 Bing Xin 6 Eugene 7 Johnny 8 Kenny 9 Darren 10 Wei Qiang 11 Ze Yan 12 Derek 13 Hui Jie 14 Zhang Hao 15 Quan Ju 16 Si Kuan 17 Ivan 18 Albert

Bituwin - template
Dementee - image


white heat 白炎

Monday, April 12, 2010
Terrible first game in div 1

Chong Ghee sport club lost to minyi 60 to 66

let not allow this loss to demoralise us.. remember that cleveland also had a 0-3 start in this regular season and now they have the best record heading into the playoff...

Lets work even harder to reduce turnovers for next game and get our first WIN in division 1..

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
our team

Hi White Heat,

Here I am writing again to the team with my utmost sincerity. I think recently some issues have been bothering me with regard to the team, not withstanding my personal problems. The first general problem is obviously - the attendance. In fact I do not have a problem with the attendance as long as there are valid reasons. However, poor attendance does significantly contribute to team morale and it shows during training and friendly games as well. Imagine you try to run set plays with 5-7 players when all of us (15 of us) should be familiar with? Is that training proper?

Another side of the problem does not necessary lies in the training itself but rather how we start to perceive each other. I believe you can understand that being at the training means you forfeit something you could have done. But why not put it this way: those who are making that kind of sacrifice will start to feel their efforts, be it consciously or sub-consciously, not reciprocated. This will subtly influence the level of morale and consequently the team performance. It is undeniable that priorities shift as we grow older. I believe every reason given for the absence from training and friendly games. My purpose here is whether you give a thought for those who is willing to arrange the time such that going training is possible and forfeiting priorities which may, in many cases, seen by others as more imperative.

Besides attendance, I feel that another weakness of our team has started to creep back, albeit subtly. This issue actually affects and bothers me the most. As we look at the team spirit and morale, we can hardly deny we are not very driven towards having a successful season here. And from the perspective of team building, we are hardly near our true potential, never in our lives since we have been playing together. Not in Seng Kang Cup. Not in Men’s qualifying. Not in division 2. My request to the team is to take a step back here and look at White Heat in the bigger picture. What is the reason for and the purpose from the time White Heat is formed? Are we grouped together just to play basketball or are we playing together because we want to play basketball with that group of friends whom you trust and probably grow old together?

The latter is my vision.

Is that your vision too? Is that the reason for and the purpose of Team White Heat? You probably already have the answer.

Now, let’s us take a look at our situation. There is no doubt we have moved into adulthood which holds beliefs and values we all so prided about. Nothing’s bad about that. In fact, those are what governed our lives and making them worthwhile. Yet, sometimes, we may fail to understand that as we grow older, we become more senile (stubborn). That is being too full or conceited of our ideas and principles, and I am probably guilty of that.
How often do we take teammates’ criticism constructively? How often do we encourage each other, especially nowadays (as compared to the past)? How often do we put the team and teammates before ourselves? How often do we bail our teammates out or allow him to suffer the consequences of his mistakes? How often do we play the game for ourselves and not for each other?

I want to take this chance to apologize to anyone whom I have offended and to everyone where I am guilty of the earlier circumstances. I have not felt great lately playing with the team and I am trying to articulate what I am feeling and have observed to everyone. Being engulf in groupthink is not something desirable for the team. This is why I am trying to solicit for everyone’s thoughts and feelings here.

Let’s not reach the point where the team will lose its purpose for that White Heat is born. Let’s put trust in our teammates and give encouragement. Let’s take criticism positively. Let’s discuss. Let’s bail each other out and yet not to be easy with ourselves at the same time. Let’s play the game for each other. Let’s beat the hell outta opponents. Let’s win,

and let us win together as a team.

I believe we have yet reached our potential, and that is good –

we are just gonna get better.

Heat, on three.

Hui Jie

Thursday, February 18, 2010
Good News for White heat

Xing Ru being in korea are sourcing a group of cheer leaders for us..

With this type of cheer leaders. no one will be focusing on the game. including the opponent, referee, and spectators.

I book the wavy hair at at 41 second of the video.

Look forward to XR good news!

Sunday, January 31, 2010
Injury Hit the Heats

2 guards are injured and both have a similar injury.

#4 - Choo Xing Ru
#8 - liao chunming kenny

Choo has a fracture on his right hand between the third and fourth finger, while Liao has a dislocation on his middle finger.

Choo will be out for at least 4-6 weeks while Liao will be out for 3-5 weeks.

Will the heat be signing new guards as a replacement before the trade deadline?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Kenny DID a KEnny AGAIN!!!

In University, everyone suppose to clear certain amount of credits to graduate.
the credits is split into many different type... Core Credits, Unrestricted Electives, and Prescribe Electives...

So... Kenny Liao suppose to take 1 UE, and 2 PE.... but he ke kiang... he tot take 3 UE.... so.... in the final semester... he took his remaining 2 "UE" and tot he can graduate... Luckily the office call him and ask him he wanna take special semester izzit. then he realise his mistake!!!!

NOW!!!!! he have to wait for slots to see if he can drop the 2 UE and take another 2 PE if there's slot....


Saturday, January 23, 2010
AAR of Friendly With SAS

it was a devastating lost to SAS. I shall not review the score as it's to embarrassing to even think about it. The were bigger, stronger, and they crash the board everytime a shot was taken. Even if we lost the match, we must take something from them. and yesterday we took the importance of box out. and also the irritation of crashing the board for the REBOUND.

It have been very cruel to us to lose a match by so much. eventhough it's just a friendly, we know where we stand. eventhough many of our centers did not come. but if out center did come, will we play better? but maybe that's shouldn't be an excuse. we play with what we have.

if we dun start working hard now, we may end up regretting not working harder then. everyone had that feeling before and understand how it feels. Basketball it's a very cruel game. once we slack, the game know. and the game oni reward those whom have work hard.

we can choose to forgive and forget after a match, or we can regret and revenage. after all the loses in keat hong cup... it's time to pay back...

Where REVENGE happens.............

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Career High Attendance!

from top left: jun liang, coach, wei chao, shao rong, albert, zhen fu, wei lian.
2nd row : hui jie, xing ru, zachy, allen lee, benedict, guo wei
front row: zhang hao, ze kun, kevin, jonny, derek chong, kenny, nai ma, jie sheng, zi young

A record high of 22 pple came. but with high quatity come great responsibility...

4 cars, 2 bike... went around bishan to look for an empty court for 1 hour as catholic high indoor is occupied, and outdoor is too hot... sheltered court competition level is too low.. and they doesn't seems to wanna play with us... so after rounding for 1 hour, and surveying 3 courts, we went back where we started from.. catholic high school outdoor court... until about 1230pm, the indoor is vacant, we use it to fufill our dream of small vs big, which was suppose to be the week before theme... till about 3pm, then we call it a day.....

those not in photo... aw si kuan, darren liau, yang quan ju, eugene poh, at least most of them have valid reason...
darren liau... BUSY
Eugene Poh ... injure...
Yang Quan ju... okok...

AW SI KUAN..... sleeping???
now u noe why he never come training.