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Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Becoming A Better Player
How to become a better player? i believe that in our team, all of us were once stars back in the good old days. Some were Singapore Combined Schools, Some were 'A' divison MVP, some were secondary schools star player. but why are we struggling now? why can't we play the standard we use to play? Choose a catagory you are in and think about it. this will work for your personnal life.
Reason 1: we are living in our past... you shine during "B" boys. then you move to "A" boys. you din play tt well, but people still recognize you down the street. then you move to BAS open, divison 2, divison 1. and you ain't scoring anymore, you can't guard the same guy whom you trash when you were 16. why?? Because you only maintain in you "b" boys standard. Everytime you reach a new league, you got to start everything from 0. In America, some players was famous in their high school days, but why don't they have the same result in the NBA? because the live in the past and unwilling to put their pride down. this does to reason number 2. Reason 2: Arrogant! You dun wanna admit that you are no longer the person you once are. you refuse to do basic training you were doing when you were 14-15 as you believe "i'm good". you kept on thinking that no one is better then you. sky is the limit. if you think you are so good. you lost the motivation to improve. Respect your opponent and they will respect you. Reason 3: Goal is the key to success. if there are no exam, no body will study. if there are no competition, then no one will wanna train. we all train for a goal. what's your goal? to win? to not let anyone step over you? Reason 4: The Environment and your friends will help you become a better player. you can't reach a goal by yourself. sometimes you need someone to push you. and there's where team mates are around. we will push each other through the tough training and from there we will reach a new height and a stronger team -Keny |