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April 2008
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Sunday, January 31, 2010
Injury Hit the Heats
2 guards are injured and both have a similar injury.
#4 - Choo Xing Ru #8 - liao chunming kenny Choo has a fracture on his right hand between the third and fourth finger, while Liao has a dislocation on his middle finger. Choo will be out for at least 4-6 weeks while Liao will be out for 3-5 weeks. Will the heat be signing new guards as a replacement before the trade deadline?
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Kenny DID a KEnny AGAIN!!!
In University, everyone suppose to clear certain amount of credits to graduate.
the credits is split into many different type... Core Credits, Unrestricted Electives, and Prescribe Electives... So... Kenny Liao suppose to take 1 UE, and 2 PE.... but he ke kiang... he tot take 3 UE.... so.... in the final semester... he took his remaining 2 "UE" and tot he can graduate... Luckily the office call him and ask him he wanna take special semester izzit. then he realise his mistake!!!! NOW!!!!! he have to wait for slots to see if he can drop the 2 UE and take another 2 PE if there's slot.... GOOD JOB KENNY!!! DID a KENNY!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
AAR of Friendly With SAS
it was a devastating lost to SAS. I shall not review the score as it's to embarrassing to even think about it. The were bigger, stronger, and they crash the board everytime a shot was taken. Even if we lost the match, we must take something from them. and yesterday we took the importance of box out. and also the irritation of crashing the board for the REBOUND.
It have been very cruel to us to lose a match by so much. eventhough it's just a friendly, we know where we stand. eventhough many of our centers did not come. but if out center did come, will we play better? but maybe that's shouldn't be an excuse. we play with what we have. if we dun start working hard now, we may end up regretting not working harder then. everyone had that feeling before and understand how it feels. Basketball it's a very cruel game. once we slack, the game know. and the game oni reward those whom have work hard. we can choose to forgive and forget after a match, or we can regret and revenage. after all the loses in keat hong cup... it's time to pay back... Where REVENGE happens.............
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Career High Attendance!
![]() from top left: jun liang, coach, wei chao, shao rong, albert, zhen fu, wei lian. 2nd row : hui jie, xing ru, zachy, allen lee, benedict, guo wei front row: zhang hao, ze kun, kevin, jonny, derek chong, kenny, nai ma, jie sheng, zi young A record high of 22 pple came. but with high quatity come great responsibility... 4 cars, 2 bike... went around bishan to look for an empty court for 1 hour as catholic high indoor is occupied, and outdoor is too hot... sheltered court competition level is too low.. and they doesn't seems to wanna play with us... so after rounding for 1 hour, and surveying 3 courts, we went back where we started from.. catholic high school outdoor court... until about 1230pm, the indoor is vacant, we use it to fufill our dream of small vs big, which was suppose to be the week before theme... till about 3pm, then we call it a day..... those not in photo... aw si kuan, darren liau, yang quan ju, eugene poh, at least most of them have valid reason... darren liau... BUSY Eugene Poh ... injure... Yang Quan ju... okok... AW SI KUAN..... sleeping??? now u noe why he never come training. ![]()
Saturday, January 16, 2010
common Mahjong Language
Wei Chao, Zeyan, Wei Qiang, Derek.. have some words that will come out subconsciously...
top 10 common mahjong language. 10. Derek - G-Nai (Use when he got a big card and he dun need it.) 9. Ze Yan - Ma Ma lemon (Use when he know he going to 出葱) 8. Xin Ru - GG (good Game) 7. Darren - 讲真的。 (say really) 6. Derek - slup slup (enter car long) 5. Derek - do a xiang xin (super lucky) 4. Wei Chao - SSssssssss ( Thinking very very hard) 3. Derek - do a kenny (forgot go exam/ forgot to pong or kang) 2. Wei Qiang - 风掉! (he gone mad) 1. Kenny - do a weichao ( belonging kana stolen..)
Saturday, January 9, 2010
post report of Zachy Basketball session
attendance list...
Small team
Awhile later... Kevin Loy came. Kevin loy also play for Hall 2 basketball. but JUST FOR FUN... i asked him if he is coming down to play ball with us this Saturday.. and to my surprise... he said.... "Ya, i going down" I looked at Aw Si Kuan, and Aw Si Kuan looked at me giving me the "oh shit!" face. I sleeper hold Aw Si Kuan and Expect an Explaination from him.. Aw Si Kuan :" Kevin, got friendly wad, u not going meh??? u never recieve the msg??" Kevin:"Friendly??" then Kevin look straight into Aw Sikuan Eyes.. and they were passing message to each other... Kevin," OH Friendly!! Against SMU rite? " Aw Si Kuan," SHEARES HALL LA!!!!" Kevin and Aw totally have no 默契。。。During the whole conversation.. Aw Si Kuan is under my sleeper hold and getting tighter every moment... In conclusion... Aw Si Kuan have been lying on us for a very long time!!! ever since the day he go out with his 中学朋友。。。。 but no worries guy... I'll exposed all his secrets!!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Big team vs small team review.
attendance list..
Big Team